Public Exhibition- Draft Community Engagement & Participation Strategy
All Councils in NSW are required to develop a Community Engagement Strategy.
Specifically, section 402A of the Local Government Act 1993, which relates to the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework, requires NSW councils to have a Community Engagement Strategy based on social justice principles.
In addition, Division 2.6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 requires Councils to have a Community Participation Plan. The plan applies to all aspects of a council’s land use planning and sets out how and when Council will engage with the community on planning and development issues. It also includes minimum exhibitions requirements.
Council has prepared a single document with a Community Engagement & Participation Strategy inclusive of Community Participation Plan requirements, which is considered best practice by the Office of Local Government. The Dungog Shire Community Participation Plan was endorsed by Council in 2019.
Once the Community Engagement & Participation Strategy has been publicly exhibited and adopted by Council, the superseded Community Participation Plan, and outdated Public Submissions and Community Consultation Policies will be repealed.
This approach will ensure consistency and remove duplication across Council documents.
Have Your Say
We invite you to make a submission in writing on the draft Community Engagement & Participation Strategy prior to it being endorsed by Council.
Public submissions are also invited on the proposal to repeal the Community Participation Plan, and outdated Public Submissions Policy and Community Consultation Policy once the Community Engagement & Participation Strategy has been endorsed by Council.
Submissions will be accepted up until 5pm, Friday 20 December 2024
Telephone enquiries may be directed to Council at 02 4995 7777.