Food Registration or Change of Details

All food businesses are required to register with Council before commencing operation. If you are opening a new food premises or purchasing an existing food business you must complete a 'Food Registration or Change of Details Form'.

All new food shop fit-outs or alterations to existing food shops must comply with the design standards prescribed in Australian Standard AS4674- 2004 Design, construction and fit-out of food premises. Council requires compliance with National Food Safety Standards 3.2.3 Food Premises & Equipment. This standard outlines the mandatory requirements for food premises, fixtures, fittings, equipment & food transport vehicles.

It is compulsory that all food businesses in NSW notify the NSW Food Authority of their food activity details. You can notify your business via the internet: It is fast, free of charge and provides you with an instant certificate of confirmation. Follow instructions on how to complete your notification online at the NSW Food Authority website. (Exemptions apply to those licensed by the NSW Food Authority and not-for-profit fundraising events).

Any enquiries regarding food premises can be made to Councils Environmental Services Department.


Food Registration or Change of Details(PDF, 131KB)